Hvejsel, Evening Channeling Friday, September 7, 2018 by Gregory Ashid Possman
September 7, 2018 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
| 200DKKDenmark Evening Channelings, September, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018 Hvejsel, Denmark
Channeled by Gregory Ashid Possman
The Mastress Quan Yin will begin our evening with a blessing and a healing. This will be an opportunity to release any and all stress or tension which has accumulated in the physical, mental and or emotional bodies. As we release unexpressed emotions we give the physical body an opportunity to heal. The Archangel Raphael, focused upon healing, will join us and bring forth an alteration of vibrational frequency to our physical bodies allowing us to more easily continue our lives on the earth. This alteration will help open our minds to greater and greater possibilities and responsibilities in our lives. Metatron, overseer of the angelic kingdom, will then come forth, granting us greater access to all of the angelic realm and the gifts they have to offer us. This opening will help prepare all of those attending the workshops on the next day to receive the initiations planned. Finally, St. Francis of Assisi will come through blessing us with energy from the higher dimensions. This rare opportunity is also part of our preparation for the future.