Ribe, DK A Channeled Evening with the Masters Friday, August 31, 2025
August 30 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
| 275DKKAn Evening with the Masters,
Friday, August 31, 2025. 19:00 – 21:00
An evening of channeled information from the Masters. Three Entities will come through Gregory, The content will depend upon who is present in the audience and their needs, Join us for a powerful spiritual evening of Healing, Information and Renewal. This event will take place at the home of Nefer Andrup, Gravsgade 47. Contact Nefer by e-mail nefer@indigolitten.dk
or Mobile Phone; +45 41 31 51 69
Personal investment 275 DK
Private Sessions.
Gregory is available for a limited number of private sessions held at Nefer’s residence during his visit to Ribe. Private sessions are channeled, and include emotional release, Physical release, past life information, future vision and intuitive feedback. Sessions last forty-five minutes. the personal investment is 950DKK. The process is recorded, and sessions are booked on the hour. Prompt arrival is important. Dates; August 29th, 30th and 31st, 2025. Contact Nefer Andrup for your appointment.
Svendborg Workshop Saturday, August 23, 2025 in Svendborg Denmark.
Gregory returns to Denmark for a full day Workshop, a channeled evening and private sessions in Svendborg on Fyn, Saturday, August 23, 205, one day Workshop in Svendborg, Fyn, Denmark. 10;00 to 17:00. coffee and tea from 9:30, for lunch and breaks, water, fruit and snacks provided during the day, participants bring your own food and drink. Contact Frank Thomsen for registration. We are limited to 50 people.