This 13.5 Minute Channeling clears the souls on the planet who have died and not crossed over. The process is efficient, and includes a clearing to insure, upon completion, there is no extraneous energy attached to you. We’ll participate in this process as a group on Sunday, April 19th at 10:30am New York time.
Quan Yin begins with a fifty minute process of bathing our self guilt and blame in a waterfall of release. after cleansing ourselves and making our body a temple, we are taught to create temple energy anywhere. Metatron makes a number of practical suggestions to create temples and temple energy including centers, hospitals, residential rooms and outdoor spaces.
Spirit Family Gathering 5
A total of four channeled files, Channeled June 25, 2022
Jalil, 12th Seat of the Council of Shambhala, Archangel Michael, Archangel Cassandra, Askara, Ancient of Days, Kilgon and Quan Yin. (Kilgon and Cassandra were not originally a part of the program but joined spontaneously). -
Healing and Manifesting in the Creator Stream of Consciousness
Channeled by the Ancient of Days, this process allows us to alter the very DNA that may be limiting our creation and advancement manifesting what we want. Venusian energy is introduced to assist in the process. Master Surgeon Ling is also called upon to lend laser light to the procedure. This is clearly a tool that can be used on self and loved ones to accelerate the healing and manifesting of our dreams. The channeling is 37 minutes in length and the process is easily learned and mastered. Gratitude to those who made it available originally.- Ancient of Days provides concise, easily followed instructions
- Ancient of Days suggests several ways to use the tool.
- The more frequently you practice, the deeper you connect.
Remove the Source of your Self Sabotage. Negative bands of energy are removed from your Physical, Mental and Emotionsl Bodies. Releasing Dark Agreements and Self-imposed Hatred.
Kilgon, a part of the Ancient of Days, came to me over a year ago and offered to assist those dealing with self imposed curses, dark agreements and seemingly immobile dark energy. The entity helps us release Past Agreements made in other lifetimes during periods of Great stress and having experienced opressive circumstances. Kilgon introduces the energies of the Angelic Realm, the Venusians, the Pleidians, and the Siriuns to assist in removing Energetic bands of restriction we've voluntarily taken on to ease the darkest conditions from other lifetimes. A total of six bands are removed; three bands removed from the Solar Plexus and three removed from the Heart. This is a powerful transformative process that can be repeated for maximum effect.- Kilgon directs you through the process.
- Angelic realm is called in to assist in the removal of the bands.
- The more frequently you practice, the deeper the removal although you may choose to use it only once.
With direction from the Ancient of Days and the Mastress Quan Yin you begin to access the Stream of Consciousness of the Creator. An explanation of Gregory’s experiences is provided by Quan Yin as well. Establish your spiritual practice you can use at your discretion.
- Mastress Quan Yin provides concise initial instructions
- Ancient of Days takes you through the process.
- The more often you engage, the deeper you connect.
The Diamond heart light (Merkabah) is expanded by Sananda and Quan Yin for the manifestation of health, happiness and other desires. Lord Sananda and Quan Yin work together helping us to manifest, invoking unlimited, unconditional Self-Love into the diamond heart. Happiness and joy are grounded into our Diamond Heart
Archangel Michael Masculine energy .... This process encourages you to relax and give yourself permission to be comfortable in the mental and physical body. You will open your mind, release worries and preoccupations. Mastress Quan Yin Feminine Energy ... Invoking feminine energy and accepting feminine energy into your being. Both Masters Wish you divine love and harmony
Channeled on August 21, 2018, 5 AM (Gregory’s 65th birthday) this process rekindles the fire and light inside of us. Has your ambition ambled away? Has your motivation morphed into oblivion? Listen to this inspiring and enlightening process to light up a new lease on life. This process raises your frequency to 432 MHz. Read what others say about this channeling in the reviews!
The book includes information on: Initiations which people will go through int he new Millennium, Channeled information on the earth's role in the future, Maps of safe places on the planet, a 30 day dietary plan to help people improve their intuition, practical suggestions for moving through challenges and information on the role the Space Brotherhood will serve in the future.