September 25 – 29, 2014

Stephanie Moen, Norway

“Hit it hard and hit it fast”

This journey started in a “bumpy” way. The van we hired for this trip did not turn up as agreed, which caused our first delay. Later as we were driving towards Glastonbury, we ended up in very narrow roads in the countryside, away from the main road. It took us quite some time to get to Glastonbury.

Later that first evening, the group received a message from Vywamus telling us the reason for our delay – that there were those being who didn’t want this group to perform their light work, because we would be very powerful as a group. But we made it!

And the reason why we ended up in these narrow roads was because these places had dark energy that needed to be cleansed. So already on our way to Glastonbury we did our work in an unconsciously way. We didn’t have to do anything – just be together as a group. No waving of our hands, no visualization, no praying – just be together!

The schedule of this journey was tight and intense, so therefore we were invited by Vywamus to hit everything we did hard and fast – this was a “laser spiritual achievement”.

The next day we went to 4 different places: Glastonbury Tor (portal in to the Earth), Well’s Cathedral, Glastonbury Abbey and Chalice Wells.

We had a great meditation at the Tor (six gate channeled journey into the earth beneath the Tor). According to Archangel Michael, Glastonbury Tor is one of the most powerful places on this planet.

It was a lot of fog when we arrived and started the meditation, but by the time we finished, the fog had gone and it was an incredible view from the Tor – a real wow-factor!



The most rewarding thing for me (consciously) was healing our past lives – first at Well’s Cathedral – being witches – burn at the stake, then other past lives in other places.

We also did some energy work in the lady’s chapel, because of old beliefs of women being less worthy than men. We were able to do our work without the priest in the church preventing us from doing it, thanks to the men in the group who tried to make them focus on something else. Teamwork = Power group!

Later that day, we went to Glastonbury Abbey – A place were we in previous lifetimes had to give away children we gave birth to as nuns and more. This is a very beautiful spot with lots of old memories.