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Spirit Family Gathering 7

Healing from the Heavens

Channeled Webinar on Zoom
Saturday, March 2, 2024, 9am to 12 noon (New York Time)

The healing team from the other side will be delivering warm healing energy to all of us for the purpose of improving our health on all levels. By ingesting this healing energy we will be able to fulfill our roles here on Earth from a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional perspective.  Although the webinar will be live, if you cannot join us on the Second of March, 2024, by purchasing it you will be sent the recorded channelings and you can listen to them at your leisure. By participating, you may be able to move through feelings of instability, stuck energy, stagnation, illness and/or injury that won’t seem to move. Whether in person or in the future, join us for a powerful, spiritual uplifting boost to your life as you bathe in the healing energies of the light beings!

The entities who will work with you are:

The Mastress, Quan Yin, divine mother, Goddess of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. We, along with Master Surgeon Ling will guide you through a process of personal healing and opening, allowing you to move deeper and deeper into a divine connection with your soul. This healing will take place on the physical, mental and emotional levels allowing and assisting you to break into your intention for the year 2024. We hope you desire to join us and to move deeper into your mission, the mission of your spirit and soul.

The Lord Sananda, Oversoul of the Christ Consciousness. It is our desire to move you more powerfully into your own unconditional, unlimited, self-love, which we believe will also guide you on your path to greater and greater healing. Healing of your soul, healing of your physical body, and healing of the light that is your spiritual heart, the double dodecahedron, the diamond heart. We look forward to merging with you and delivering more and more love in your being.

The Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing and we in the angelic realm, the minions of Metatron will merge with your being and your light in order to expound greater and greater physical energy within each of you. This Angelic energy will help to raise your frequency, to energize all of your physical body and expand the amount you can accomplish as you move through the human experience.

Mary.  We will bring our light and our maternal grace into your energy field in order to increase your feminine maternal energy. Either gender, Male or Female, of your physical body will be empowered. We will encourage greater and greater light flowing into your mind, your  heart and your root chakra. We look forward to this experience of merging energies with each of you.

We bring you greetings and salutations from the Council of Shambala. We are the Sixth Seat of the Council, known as Meera.  We and the other eleven members of the Council will share and shower our light into your human embodiment or physical structure.  This will increase and guarantee the body’s ability to continue to shine on all of those with whom you come in contact in your Earthly experience. The healing you receive will also accelerate your physical body in it’s journey forward.