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Wednesday, June 3, 2020 (see details below)

We will be using the Arch Angel Michael Channeling you can download for no charge (free). You simply focus on the site as you listen to the channeling (about 20 minutes)


Click Here for the free download

The Thomas House is located in Red Boiling Springs, TN. It is one of my favorite spots because of the history involved in the area. In 2017 I was there with my friend who lives nearby. There were spirits that were there at that time but everything was very peaceful. After several years, things have changed in a very negative way. The Thomas House has let several ghost hunting teams come in and some of them have been on Television. They have awakened some darkness there within the building and the land. I have worked on this building and the Pentecostal church that is  owned by the Thomas House across the street. I would like for these spirits to cross over and be at peace where they belong. I feel there are still some there and have recently found out that the Tennessee Wraith Chasers will be there on June 6th to June 7th doing an investigation. I would love to be able to clear the Thomas House before they get there.  I would ask that everyone who can help Greg and I with this situation to join us at 6pm your time on Wednesday June 3, 2020. We are aware that people in different time zones will be working at different times. You have our gratitude and thanks.


Lee Ann