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Ancient of Days; We are offering an opportunity to shorten the time required for your absorbing lessons and moving forward in your evolution. This teaching and initiation are for those awakened amongst you who are ready for the next step in your process. The waves of change are cycles in your development that can be compressed. Your process can be compacted like the sides of a pyramid falling in upon itself to decrease the time necessary for you to process your lessons and achieve your potential. We, the Ancient of Days; are pleased to introduce a new experience to increase your ability to move more rapidly and grasp the mystery of your lessons. through this process. We will count upon the Mastress Quan Yin to take you through an initiation of acceptance before we introduce the actual process. We have also entrusted Vywamus, the inner guardian of the Earth to assist each of you in grounding the process into your Earthly physical body for a deeper and more efficient means of using the teaching. We encourage each of you to open to your intuition and inquire the soul to determine if this teaching is appropriate for you. We believe in your guidance and are confident you will know if it is in your best interest to participate. Click here to join us.